FEBRUARY 18, 2024
8:30 PM
Previously recorded class links can be found at the bottom of this page
FEBRUARY 18, 2024
8:30 PM
Previously recorded class links can be found at the bottom of this page
8:30 pm - 9:30 pm
Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz
"Living with The Parsha"
Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz
"Living with The Parsha"
Suggested donation for the class 20 nis

Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz is a Senior Lecturer in Yeshivas Ohr Somayach in Jerusalem. Until his family’s aliyah in April 2010, he was the Rabbi of the Woodside Synagogue in Silver Spring,Maryland and Professor of Law at the University of Maryland Law School
(specializing in contracts, bankruptcy
commercial law, and bioethics).
He received his rabbinic ordination from the Ner Israel Rabbinical College; his BA from Johns Hopkins University and JD from Harvard Law School (magna cum laude).
(specializing in contracts, bankruptcy
commercial law, and bioethics).
He received his rabbinic ordination from the Ner Israel Rabbinical College; his BA from Johns Hopkins University and JD from Harvard Law School (magna cum laude).
The War of GoG and MaGoG
Why not Celebrate Simchat Torah on Shavuot when the Torah was Given?
70 Nations 70 Bulls and Bringing the Torah into our Hearts
Mystical and Kabbalistic Insights into Joy during and after Succot
Conclusion of the Chagim - Lessons Learned and Internalized
Been Through the Holidays BUT Have the Holidays Been Through You?
Noahides, Changing the World and Taking Responsibility
The Transformation of Noah
The Novel Insight of the Pri Tzadik on MarCheshvan
The Test of Transformation - MarCheshvan
Mystical MarCheshvan - Making the Ordinary Extraordinary
Faithfulness in Hashem Even as I walk in the Valley of Darkness
It's Always Darkest Before The Dawn
Seeing the Light in the Darkness
Seeing the Light Within the Darkness
The Joy of Prayer
Bringing Light into the Darkness
Growing through Adversity
Unfaithfulness of Israel and the Faithfulness of Jacob
Yearning and Anticipating Return to Israel
Israel Struggles and Triumphs and the Costs in Battle
How to Prepare for War
Yaacov's Struggle with Antagonist - Internal and External
Preparation for War and Diplomacy
What is the meaning of Mar Cheshvan
Lech Lecha
I Will Bless Those That Bless You
Unconditional Covenant with Israel
The Superiority of Circumcision in Spiritual Terms
The Unconditional Covenant with Abraham
The Supernatural Nature of Shabbos
The Election of Israel and Everlasting Love
The Throne of David and the Coming of Moshiah
Isaiah the Consoling Prophet
A Tzaddik Lives by His Faith
How Real is Your Faith in Gods Promises?
The Reality of Faith During the Exile of Edom/Xtian
and Yishmael/Islam An Eternal Love without Conditions
The Reality of Faith
Why God Chose Abraham and the secret of the two Heys
A Leader's Personal Connection to the People
Chayai Sara
Following in the Footsteps of Our Forefathers
Do Not Marry a Canaanite but Marry Better Than You
Look for Chesed and A Compassionate Heart in Choosing a Life Partner
Looking For a Soulmate, The Fundamentals
The Nature of Prophecy, the Laughing of Avraham and Sarah
Acts of Godliness, Harmony and Balance in Marriage
Tragedy can bring out the greatest potential
Succession and Legacy of Kings
The Three Miracles in Sarah's Tent
and the Beit HaMikdash The Pain You Cause Others Will Come back to Haunt You
The Costs of Deception
Do the Ends Always Justify the Means?
Alone in the Middle of the Night
The Struggle between Israel and Greece
Retribution Prophecy Against Edom
Chanukah Historical Insights: Military or Religious Victory
Chanuka Overview and the Responsibility as Lamplighters
History of Chanuka - Assimilation and Rectification
Chanukah Insights and Bringing Light into the Darkness
Celebrating the Freedom to Serve God
Time of Light and the Mystery behind Chanukah
The Greatness of The Jew and Chanuka
Chanuka is it Potential or Actuality? Reaching Perfection
Spiritual Insights into Chanukah - Illuminating the Light of our Soul
Chanukah Insights Beit Hillel and Beit Shamai What's the Difference?
Destiny of Israel, Free Will and The Sale of Yosef
The Sale of Yosef and Free Will
The Tale of Two Moshiachs - Yehuda the Plower and Yosef the Harvester
Tenth of Tevet and Need to Repent for What?
Israel is a Sheep among 70 Wolves Shammai and Hillel
The Two Moshiachs and the Blessing of Flawed Leadership
The Sale of Yosef and the 10th of Teves
Blessed is The Name of His Glorious Kingdom for All Eternity
The Coming of Moshiach and Unity without Conformity
Change the World by Learning Torah and Doing Mitzvot
Jewish Identity and Pride
Overturning an Existing Decree
The Chronicles of Jesus, 10th of Tevet and Three days of Sorrow
"8th, 9th and 10th of Tevet"
Which Qualities to Look for in a Marriage Partner
Individuality vs Conformity and Truth vs Deception
Eliezer of Damascus and finding Yitzchak a wife
Morality in Deception?
Escaping the Mitzraim Within
Return, O Wayward Sons - The Word of The Lord
Leaving Egypt, Receiving The Torah and Building The Tabernacle
The Real Story of the Suffering Servant and the Gift of Affliction
Appreciating the Good by Recognizing the Bad
Concretizing Josephs dream and the Key to Redemption
The Divine Mission of Yosef
"Which Haftorah do you read?"
Current Events and the Final Exile of Yishmael
Expressions of Redemption and Hope
I Have Remembered My Covenant, THEREFORE...
Current Events and the Exodus From Egypt
I Will Take you Out, Save you, Redeem you and Take you as Mine
The Time for Redemption has Arrived
4 Redemption's and 4 Exiles
"Prophecy against Egypt"
How to Achieve Liberation for Your Inner Mitzraim
Freedom From Our Own Constraints is THE STORY of THE JEWS
Re-Experience the Awesome Power of Redemption
Until you Recognize Your'e Enslaved, You can Never Truly be Free
Experience Redemption
Pesach, Matzah and Maror: 3 steps to Redemption
The Exodus of Egypt as a paradigm for spiritual liberation
Release from Bondage and the Decimation of Egypt
An Intense and Awesome Love
Mindfulness, Gratitude and Unity
Splitting the Sea a Degree of Divine Love
Unity (Achdut) Hides the Flaws of the Individual
Experience G-ds Love in an Intense and Powerful Way
Reaction when between a Rock and a Hard Place
How to liberate yourself from bondage/Egypt
The Song by the Sea
Bringing Passion into Your Yiddishkite
Matan Torah: Integration of Body and Soul
Are The Ten Commandments More Important Than the Rest of The Torah?
Is There an Obligation to Believe in G-d?
Freedom and Responsibility
How to Receive Revelation - Journey to a relationship with G-d
Message for all Mankind the True Love and Awe of the G-d
Parsha Yitro- click here (with Rabbi Avrum Kowalsky)
We Will Hear and Do! Can a Jew Fulfill All the Mitzvot?
Did All of Israel Convert at Mt Sinai and What are it's Ramifications?
What Torah was Given to Moshe at Sinai and Were We Set up for Failure?
The Transcendental Unity of Israel and the Sinaitic Revelation
Everything Hashem Commands us We can do
How to accept the Torah - The 4 Step Plan
Covenant of Emancipation
The 4 steps to receive the Torah
How and When Will Israel Build The Third Temple?
Who Will Build the Final Beit HaMikdash?
Mystical Reasons for The Tabernacle
The Half Sheqel All Lives Matter Equally
Countering the Request of Haman (Evil)
When Giving is Taking
Ultimate Contribution to the Tabernacle
Terumah, Sheqalim and Purim
The Magically Mysterious Breast Plate and Urim V'Tumim of the Cohen Gadol
Purim and Eradicating Amalek
The Oral Torah is the Interaction Between Hashem and Israel
Purim is a special time for Prayer and Unity
Controversy over inclusion of Prophet Ezekiel in the Bible
King Saul's Weakness
Ki Tisa
The Foundation of the Tabernacle is Faith
The Righteous Shall Live by His Faith
Counting Jews and Making the Jews Count
Purim Insights
The golden calf, idolatry
The Offerings are Opportunities to Come Close to G-d
Shabbos Before and After the Sin of the Golden Calf
Healing Properties of Shabbos for our Soul
Pre-Pesach Constructing our Edifice for Freedom
Covid-19 Pandemic - Arrogant Masters of our own Fate
Parah (Aduma) Paradox
Keep and Remember the Shabbat
Parsha Vayakel 5777 - click here Pikudei
The Strange Connection Between Yom Kippur and Purim
Truth Shall Sprout from the Earth
Achrei Mot
Purim and Why We Must Eradicate Amalek
Highly Spiritual and Mystical Personalities with Antinomian Tendencies
War Against G-d - Amalek Today
God Desires to Call You by Your Name
Pesach and Covid-19 "The Great Awakening from Below"
The Sin offering of the Moshiach
The Calling of Moshe
Can Israel Resume Sacrifices Today on Temple Mount?
Preparation for Pesach through the 4 Special Parshiot
Accepting G-ds Torah out of Love
Pesach and the Preservation of Hope in Redemption
History of the Fast of Esther and Purim
Attaining Spiritual Greatness within the Halachik Framework
Rav Chaim Kanievsky זצ״ל and the Red Heifer
Jewish Peoplehood and Mercy on a Unified Nation
Ethical Monotheism and Personal Transformation
Tazria / Metzora
Miracles of War, Freedom, Gerim and Kindness
Taking Responsibility For Your Life
Receiving A Personal Report Card from Hashem
The Haggadah - The Plan to Achieving Spiritual Liberation
Healing the Leaper and Getting Rid of our Chametz
How Spiritual Impurity is Similar to Expulsion from the Garden of Eden
Birth-pangs of Moshiach and Lessons of Quarantine
Becoming Born Again through the Four Parshiot
Pesach and The Metzorah - Confronting the need to change
The Gift of Personal Prophecy and Three Points of Rectification
Lessons of Tzaras
Fiery Enthusiasm and Establishing Boundries
The Sadducees Mistake Counting the Omer from Sunday after Passover
Be Holy and Love Your Neighbor
Lessons Learned from the Splitting of the Sea
Splitting of the Sea - Seeing the world through G-ds eyes
When G-d Lets Go, It’s a Vote of Confidence Between Pesach and Shavuot
Counting the Omer and Seeking Purpose
Mystical Insights into Lag B'Omer and Pesach Sheini
Corona Crises during the Omer - G-d is your Friend
Between Pesach and Shavuos - Being and Becoming
Parsha Emor 5777 - click here (with Rabbi Avrum Kowalsky)
The Incredible and Amazing Story of Rabbi Akiva During the Omer
The Incredible and Amazing Story of Rabbi Akiva During the Omer
The Period of the Omer and Love Your Neighbor as Yourself
The Nature of Shabbos and The Counting of the Omer
The Key to Rectification during Sefirat HaOmer
Counting the Omer
Nothing Else But Him - Ein Ode Milvado
A Clear Explanation of the Sefirot, Pesach Sheini and Lag B'omer
Jerusalem Day - Pray For The Peace of Jerusalem
The Census and Community Building
Brief History of Jerusalem and The Census - Diversity or Uniformity
Jerusalem and the Pursuit of Peace and Truth! Which Wins?
Sadducees or Pharisees: Who is correct?
Two Faces of Lag B'Omer
The Torah is Not in Heaven
Shavuot - The Torah Is Not in Heaven
G-d Gave Away His Torah to His Partners in Creation
Unity of the Community through Individuality or Conformity
G-d is not above the Law
Why was the Torah given on the Wrong Date?
Isru Chag - Thesis, Antithesis and Synthesis
Korach and Moshe - Reincarnation of Cain and Able
Everyone Has Their Own Agenda and Perception of Reality
Orwell's 1984 and Korach's Rebellion
Revolution, Reincarnation, Cain and Abel
Confrontation and Common Ground in Today's World
The Greek Tragedy of Korach
Every Man A King
Rebellion against Moshe
The Para Aduma and Liberation from Death
The Para Aduma and Liberation from Death
Red Heifer Atones for the Sin of the Golden Calf
True Obedience to G-d
The Law of the Torah and Unconditional Love for Another
Nature of The Priesthood - Passion and Consistency
We Are All Servants of Hashem / Post Shavuot Isru Chag Torah of Chabad
Creating a G-dly Society as The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth
Insights into the Book of Numbers and The 7 Books of The Torah
Same but Different - Collaboration, not Competition
The Tainted Lineage of Moshiach :Goodness in the Guise of Impropriety
Tzemach and the Messianic Process
Building a Community
If You Believe You Can Damage, Believe That You Can Repair
What Exactly Was The Sin of The Spies?
Sanctifying the Physical World
Appreciating The Land of Israel and Understanding the Sin of the Spies
Failing/Falling is Reversible
The Secret of the three books of Bamidbar
Confidence breeds Success
Sin of the Spies
The Mystery of the Red Heifer and Love your Neighbor
The Enigma of Yiftach and the Parah Aduma
Channeling Your Emotions Toward Holiness
Who Exactly is Bilaam?
Reversing a Curse into a Blessing
G-ds Reversal of Bilaams Curse into a Blessing
How to be The king
2 paths of Redemption A shooting star of Jacob a scepter rise from Israel
The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth
The Mercenary Bilaam
How To Be A True Activist
When Your Enemy Suffers Do Not Rejoice
Zealousness - Love Should be Stronger than Hate
How to be a True Activist
Zealousness and Conflict Resolution
Mattos (follow up on Pinchus)
The 3 Weeks and The 21 Days
The Fundamental Rectification During The 3 Weeks
All Who Pursue G-d Will Find Him (3 Weeks)
Power of Speech and Prayer (3 Weeks)
3 Observations of the Pri Tzadik - The Power of Speech (3 Weeks)
The Power of Speech
Three Weeks and the Power of Prayer and Perception
Love Your Neighbor as Yourself
Month of Av when Joy is never fully diminished
The Overturning of Tisha B'Av and The Downfall of Our Enemies
The Birth of Moshiach and Preparation for Tisha B'Av
Tisha B'Av Insights
Overwhelmed with Grief over the Destruction of the Temple
Destructive Forces resulting in Loss of The Temple
Lets bring the Redemption Now on 9th of Av
9th of Av and The Pain of Exile: What are we Missing?
How do the Three Cardinal Sins compare to Causeless Hatred
The Consolation and Encouragement Must be Greater than the Chastisement
Why Tu B'Av is the Happiest Day of the Year
The Amazing History of Tu B'Av
Tisha B'Av: Apathy and Indifference is more Destructive than Hate
Seven Weeks of Comfort with Isaiah
Receptibility and Confidence in Hashem's Love
The Power of Tu B'Av and Rebirth After the 9th
Developing a Sense of Gratitude and Appreciation
Do not Forget the L-rd your G-d Birkat HaMazon
Tu B'Av: Getting up from Mourning
Uniqueness of the 15th of Av
Elul: Hashem is Rooting For Us
Blessing or Curse? Hashem Wants our Success
To See the Blessings You Need To Open Your Eyes
Prophet Isaiah - Internalizing the 7 Weeks of Comfort
In-depth Analysis of The Shemah (Part 1)
Gods Eternal Love and Reconciliation
Loving Hashem with All Your Possessions
Do Not Turn Away From What the Torah Sages Instruct You to Do
Elul - The Month of Repentance and Responsibility
Leadership Structure after Moshe Passes on
Increase the Light by Separating Religion from the State
Rav Kooks Ascension to Heaven
Elul: The King is in the Field
The Paradox of Teshuva
Ki Teitzei
Teshuva Can Transform the Past
Elul is A City of Refuge in Time
Theological Problems and Resolutions with Slavery and War Time Atrocities
Reuniting with Your Soul in Elul
In-depth Analysis of The Shemah (Part 1)
The Month of Elul: I am to My Beloved as My Beloved is to Me
Taking Captive a Woman of Beautiful Form
The Purity of the Soul - A beautiful woman captured in war
The Shofar "Inarticulate words of the heart"
Ki Savo
THE LONG ARM OF THE L-RD -The Torah is Our Wisdom in the Eyes of the World
First Fruits an Expression of Joy with No Jealousy Nor Shame
When Bad Things Happen to Good People
First Fruits and Lessons of Subjugation and Emancapation
First Fruits and The Truth of Jewish Privilege
Elul - What is so optional about battling Evil?
First Fruits - Attitude of Gratitude
Lessons in Unity and Why We Blow the Shofar 100 Times
Hashem is Not Looking for Your Failures
Rosh Hashana Symbolism
A Broken Heart Can Open All the Doors in Heaven on Rosh HaShana
Rosh HaShana (Part 1) The Secret of the Shofar
The Divine Service of Rosh Hashana
The Paradox of Rosh HaShana - Awe and Joy
Yom Kippur - Hashem Expects us to Make the Right Choices
Yom Kippur - The Transformative Effect of Kol Nidrei
Rosh HaShana -The Shofar Transports our Souls Into The Holy of Holies
Preparation for Yom Kippur: The 10 Days of Teshuva
Rosh HaShana (Part 2) The Secret of the Shofar
The Cry of the Shofar and 100 blasts